Doctoral Program (Enrollment Capacity: 20)

▪Courses and Publications

The primary objective of the Doctoral Program in the Graduate School of Business and Commerce is to educate prospective faculty for universities. To attain this objective, the curriculum is designed to equip the individual with the ability and insights necessary for becoming a successful independent researcher and educator. In addition to the specific research subjects related to the 10 aforementioned fields, there is a seminar course and joint seminar course in place for the former, designed to advise the student with regard to his/her doctoral dissertation.
 A research presentation in front of an audience and publications in more than one peer-reviewed academic journal is a requirement for submitting a doctoral dissertation. For this purpose, a research presentation conference will be held in the spring semester and fall semester. In addition, the “Mita Business Review,” an academic journal published by the Society of Business and Commerce, Keio University provides students with an additional opportunity for publication.

▪Earned Degree, Required Credits and Other Requirements for Graduation

12 credits will be required for completing a Doctoral Degree in Commerce.
In addition, a student must be enrolled in the Doctoral Program in the Graduate School of Business and Commerce for more than 3 years and pass the dissertation review as well as the final exam.

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