![]() 井 口 知 栄 教 授 【Webページ】 【ゼミページ】
〔論文〕 1.“International Business and Sustainable Development in Asia: Reflections and Prospects”,(with Giroud, Zhao and Zhang) Asian Business and Management, 2025(Fothcoming). 2.“Drivers of Subsidiary Competences: The Case of Japan”,(with Giroud, Ha and Marukawa) Management international-Mi, Vol. 25 (Special), pp.58-75, 2021. 3."MNE R&D Internationalization In Developing Asia".(with Zhao, Papanastassiou and Pearce) Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol.38, No. 3, pp.789–813, 2020. 4.“International Human Resource Management of Japanese Multinational Corporations: Challenges and Future Directions”,(with Sekiguchi and Froese) Asian Business and Management, Vol. 15, No.5, pp.1-27, 2016. 5.“Globalization of R&D by TNC subsidiaries: the Case of South East Asian Countries”, Asian Business and Management, Vol. 11, No.1, pp.79-100, 2012. 〔著書〕 6.“Regionalism and Production Networks in Asia”.(with Staples) In M. A. Witt & H. Hasegawa (eds.), Asian Business and Management: Theory, Practice and Perspectives, London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.115-130, 2019. 7.“Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand: Promoting an ‘Interactive’ Institutional Approach”,(with Horn and Wittek) in M. M. McCarthy (ed), Routledge Handbook of Japanese Foreign Policy, Routledge, pp. 281-305, 2018. 8.「企業成長と国際化」『グローバル化とイノベーションの経営学: 開かれた市場と企業組織による調整』税務経理協会,pp41-58,2018. 9.“Inter-organizational Linkages, Global Value Chains and National Innovation Systems: Disconnected Realities in the Philippines”, in B. Lambregts, N. Beerepoot and R.C. Kloosterman (eds), The Local Impact of Globalization in South and Southeast Asia: Offshore Business Processes in Services Industries, Routledge, pp.60-76, 2015. 所属学会・団体: AIB, EAMSA, EIBA, AJBS, 多国籍企業学会, 国際ビジネス研究学会, アジア経営学会, 日本経営学会,工業経営研究学会,異文化経営学会,組織学会 海外歴: Richmond College(UK)BA student, SOAS University of London(UK)MSc student, University of Reading(UK) PhD Candidate (1990-2005), Witan International College(UK) Lecturer (1998-2004), University of Malaya, Asia Europe Institute Visiting Researcher (2001), Rutgers Business School Visiting Researcher(2004-2005),Thammasat Business School Visiting Professor (2008-2012), Henley Business School University of Reading Visiting Academia (2018-2020), Henley Business School Visiting Fellow (2020-現在) |