![]() 大 東 一 郎 教 授 【ゼミページ】
〔著書〕 1.『内生的経済成長の基礎理論』,三菱経済研究所,1996年 2.『都市化・集中化・経済発展の基礎理論』,三菱経済研究所,1997年 〔論文〕 3.“Open Access Renewable Resources, Urban Unemployment, and the Resolution of Dual Institutional Failures”, Environment and Development Economics, Vol.27, Issue 4, 2022. (共著) 4.”Productive Consumption Externality in a Two-sector Model of Economic Development”, Creative Complex Systems, Springer, Chapter 7, 2021.(共著) 5.“Rates of Population Decline in Solow and Semi-Endogenous Growth Models: Empirical Relevance and the Role of Child Rearing Cost”, The International Economy, Vol.23, 2020. 6.“Productive Consumption and Population Dynamics in an Endogenous Growth Model”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol.34, No.4, 2010. 7.“Environmental Protection and Trade Liberalization in a Small Open Dual Economy”, Review of Development Economics, Vol2, No.4, 2008. 8.“Interconnection Agreement between Internet Service Providers and the Optimal Policy Intervention”, Japanese Economic Review, Vol.59, No.2, 2008.(共著) 9.“Financial Liberalization, Urban Unemployment and Welfare: Some Implications of the Artificial Low Interest Rate and High Wage Rage Policies in LDCs”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol.72, No.1, 2003. 10.“Environmental Protection and Urban Unemployment: Environmental Policy Reform in a Polluted Dualistic Economy”, Review of Development Economics, Vol.7, No.3, 2003. 所属学会・団体: 日本経済学会,日本国際経済学会,Econometric Society 海外歴: 2000-2001年 ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校 客員研究員 [State University of New York at Buffalo, Visiting Researcher] 2002年2-3月 インド統計研究所 訪問研究員[Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, Visiting Researcher] 2011年4-9月および2023年7月-2024年3月 ハワイ大学マノア校経済学部 客員研究員[University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Economics.] |